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The Arab spring and the role of Christians in politics headline at the "Meeting" of Rimini

Rome Reports - Mon, Sep 5th 2011

September 4, 2011. ( On the coast of Italy, in the town of Rimini, every summer one of the most important cultural events in the country takes place. It's called the “Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples” and it's organized by the Catholic movement “Communion and Liberation.” The theme was based on the theme “And existence becomes an immense certainty,” which addressed all issues of modern man.

To start off, they examined the 'Arab Spring'. The meeting brought together key figures from every sector of Egyptian society, from a representative of the Muslim Brotherhood to the rector of the Islamic University of Al Azhar, as well as the Cardinal of Alexandria. They exchanged views on how to rebuild their country and the Middle East.

Card. Antonios Naguib
Patriarch of Alexandria of the Copts (Egypt)

“We need a revolution of love in our hearts, in our patriarchates, and in our churches.”

Another meeting was with Pakistani politician Paul Bhatti. He continues the work of his brother Shabhaz, who was killed while defending religious minorities.

Paul Bhatti
Adviser for Religious Minorities (Pakistan)

“Being a Christian requires you to live with more responsibility in this profession. Those engaged in politics should know that they will lose money, time for themselves, personal security, certainty for the future and even their own safety.”

Along with conferences and meetings, there were also concerts and exhibitions. This was titled “Through the eyes of the apostles.” It explained how it changed Capernaum when the future apostles Andrew and John met Jesus.

The event was made possible through the collaboration of 4,000 volunteers, over 300 speakers as well the organizers of 10 exhibitions and 26 concerts.

The “meeting” has been held every August for 32 years. It's meant to show that friendship can overcome difference of opinions.

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