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The Star

Mary McKeone rscj - Sat, Dec 24th 2011



I have taken your star,
wrapped it carefully,
and placed it
in the lower drawer
till next Christmas.

You should find it easily
whenever you want
to remind yourself
of its silvery gleam.

It doesnt do
to leave a star
hanging around all year -
it might give you ideas
above your station,
beyond your today,
into your dreams
and that would never do.

Keep your star -
your spark of inspiration -
well hidden,
well wrapped,
or it might develop,
take over your life
and lead you 
into wonders
beyond your imaginings.

But, why not?
why not lift your star
from time to time?
Why not ponder
the hints towards exploration,
the offer of joy
that brims the heart,
though pain is there too?

But, if you do follow your star`s leadings
you might change the world.
Be careful.
I have placed your star
in the drawer.....

           Mary McKeone rscj

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