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The Young Claretian Martyrs on the World Youth Day - Sat, Dec 4th 2010

 Madrid, Spain. The ‘Centinela’ magazine, produced by the Delegation of Infancy and Youth in the Archidiocese of Madrid, has now reached its 25th edition.
In this same edition, apart from headlining the efforts made by religious to support World Youth Day in 2011, "Centinela" has chosen the Blessed Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro as its centrepiece for the section "Young people and Saints: reference points along the road to WYD".

The article, signed by Diana Gómez and Sonia Calle, begins with the following introductory statement: "In today’s society, if it is frequently challenging to hold on steadfastly to our convictions, let’s imagine how difficult the situation would be if our own lives were put in danger because of them". It then goes on to tell the story of the martyrdom of our brothers, including a number of statements from John Paul II, and it reproduces Faustino Pérez’s letter to the Congregation as well as one of Fr José Beruete’s pictures. The reflexions close with a reference to St Anthony Mary Claret and a quotation from his "Definition of the Missionary".
It is of special note that the Archdiocese of Madrid, to which many of the 20th century saints were attached, has fixed its gaze on the young Martyrs of Barbastro as it prepares for the forthcoming World Youth Day.

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