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Thousands march to Supreme Court in Washington D.C.

Tom Sherwood - Wed, Jan 26th 2011

Tens of thousands of people braved the cold and took to the streets of downtown D.C. Monday for the annual March for Life, marking the 38th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.

The march condemns the 1973 Supreme Court that set off an on-going battle in American politics.

More than three dozen lawmakers addressed the crowd during the two-hour rally before the march. Buoyed by Republican gains in the November elections, the lawmakers called for the landmark ruling to be overturned, the Associated Press reported. They said they would work to restrict tax dollars for abortions.

Abortion opponents, including many church groups, endured temperatures in the high 20s raising signs such as "Life counts" and "Term limits 4 Congress not babies."

Small groups of anti-protesters said the country should remain pro-choice.

Law enforcement officials do not give out official crowd estimates, but this march at times filled Constitution Avenue.

D.C. Fire and EMS treated 13 people and transported seven for undisclosed medical issues.

Saturday was the 38th anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling. The first March for Life was held in 1974.

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