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Three Poems crushing the sorrows of the heart

Mary McKeone rscj - Tue, Apr 17th 2012



Whether it is raindrops or sunshafts that fall on us,

it is no matter, 

for the Providence of All-being

has weighed our necessities

and cherished our desires,

testing His planting ground,

and counting His intread

with the love of a Maker.

So let us open at the hour of the growing rose,

and breathe out our being at leaf-crush,

till the air is sweet about us,

and the self is still.





I waited for your Word -

but no Word came.

My heart was waiting,

but only silence sang.

Silence I listened to,

but it was painful -

breaking across my soul

like storm on rocks.


Next time I waited

there was a stillness

in my being:

a stillness loving the silence

till there was music

deeper than silence,

bringing me peace,

for it held the Word

I had been seeking.


Mary McKeone rscj


I SEE....


I see the phantom dancing of the wind

the pulse of fevered seas,

the painful growth of leaves

that burst convulsively

from buds on quickening trees.

What if I see all this

yet walk through life

glance-held and blind with pride,

crushing the sorrows of the heart

that silent eyes can hide?


             Mary McKeone rscj

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