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World Youth Day with the Claretians Madrid 2011

Oliver Davidson - Thu, Dec 30th 2010


The Claretians are offering their centres, parishes and institutions they have in Madrid for the accommodation of young people from all over the world who wish to join our Pope Benedict XVI  in the WORLD YOUTH DAY – 2011 celebration.

The “Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary”, also known as Claretian Missionaries, were founded by St. Anthony Mary Claret in 1849 in Vic, Spain. There are now 3,100 Claretian Missionaries, priest and brothers, working in 63 countries on five continents.

There will be Claretian youth groups from different countries participating in the WYD, that will follow the general programme and have so specific activities or visits in Segovia and Madrid, both places very significant in the history of our Founder and the Congregation.

The Claretians of United Kingdom and Ireland are inviting you to this WORLD YOUTH DAY , WITH THE  CLARETIAN FAMILY to make true  our Pope’s invitation to joining him in Madrid in August 2011 and together with the expected two million youth gathering  reflect on the theme “Planted and built up in Christ, firm in faith”.

Tha Claretians of UK-Ireland Delegation propose the following objectives and stages


1. To accompany young people in their Christian growth and help them to meet with Claretian youth groups from all over the world.

2. To revive the youth ministry in our communities, in the Deaneries around us and focusing our attention to the youngsters around us and in any area of UK-Ireland

3. To facilitate the youth involvement in the Church.

Stages and Calendar:

1. Promotion. - From October 24, 2010 to December 24, 2010: Encourage the youth to join the WYD-Madrid 2011. Recruit young persons who would like to join WYD+cf, and the accompanying adult persons.

2. Remote preparation. - From December 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011: Remote Preparation, Formation, Activities and Fundraising. By areas. Materials and documents will be provided for this preparation.

3. Immediate preparation. During the Month of July 2011, three days Summer Camp, all together in Buckden as immediate preparation of those who will attend the WYD with the Claretians.

4. Actual Participation in the WYD Madrid 2011: August 12 – August 23 in Madrid and Segovia, Spain.

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