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WYD song contest shines light on pop stars across the world.

- Wed, Mar 2nd 2011

Filipino born Cherrie Anderson is a singer and song writer who is now among one of the most popular artists on the World Youth Day website.

Her song 'Faith in You' has been selected by a jury of ten young people to represent the UK in the contest 'Tuned into Madrid'. The top five will be played for the millions of youth that are expected to travel to Madrid for the event next August.

Her video features the town of Walsingham and many of its holy sites, considered to be the most important Catholic site in the United Kingdom. She is also part of the band Ooberfuse, which was selected to sing for the youth who gathered for Benedict XVI's visit to the UK in 2010.



Submissions for the contest have come from all over the world that includes everything from rock to techno music. Right now the three most popular songs have come from Colombia, Peru, and France.

The lyrics of all the songs are based on the theme chosen by the Pope for World Youth Day “Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the Faith.”

Anyone can enter the site and vote for their favorite song. The contest deadline is April 30th, after which the top five winners will be announced, securing a special spot for them at the Vigil in Cuatro Vientos aerodrome for the closing of World Youth Day.

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