Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. James Kennedy, cmf

We have been called to follow Christ. It is not enoutgh however to say that I am a follower of Christ but that I go to Church occasionally or even every week. What we celebrate in church should be celebrated in our daily lives. As children of God we need to live as such trying to live as life of holiness. Our lives should be an example of the Gospel message, loving God and each other. To do this we need to have a regular prayer life, mediate on the World of God and celebrate the sacraments. We need to be more committed to helping each other live the freedom of the children of God. The Jews were the chosen people of God but when God sent the prophets and Jesus himself to put them on the right path, many rejected him. Let us not fall into the same trap. Let us use well the time of Lent which begins on Wednesday.


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