Commentary on the Gospel of

Paul Peter Alphonse, cmf

People always wish to live in freedom like children of God, fighting against all types of exploitation.  But tradition and beliefs do not allow them to come out of their bondage. In the time of Jesus the Jews worshiped yahvah and the commandments, but never made any effort to open to the people to experience the love of God. They were far away from the love of God.  Today’s readings tell us the same thing. When Jesus drives out a demon, some of the Pharisees in the crowd, instead of appreciating and accepting him, began to slander him.  They did not understand that Jesus is the true freedom of love and gives life to the needy. So they said he drives out the demons by the chief of the demons. This is clear evidence of unholy hearts twisting God’s clear demonstration of his powers into foulest suspicion. However evil men might try to spoil the sacred name of God and his works, but they will never succeed. We can note two things in this passage first a divided kingdom will perish by itself. Any kingdom that is divided against it will be destroyed. Satan is not seeking the human heart to destroy it, but to establish his kingdom. Once he establishes it then he begins to destroy the whole person. Second, Jesus insists that it was by the finger of God that he is casting out the demons. So if it is by the finger of God, then it is a sign that the kingdom of God is near. By this Jesus destroys the arms of Satan. In our life also we have to seek the finger of God to protect us from the evils of Satan. 


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