Commentary on the Gospel of

Michael Chima, cmf

The leaders of the temple were so irritated when they found there was no prospect of worldly advantages to come from Jesus. Jesus proclaimed aloud that they were in error in their thoughts about his origin. He was sent by God and his saying that they did not know God infuriated them. The ordinary people differed about his doctrine and miracles, while those favoured him dared not speak out publicly in admiration of him. While ungodly people sometimes undertake to counsel those, employed in the work of God, they only ever advice what appears likely to promote advantages for them. Those who hate the truth will be given to errors that are fatal. Amidst the problems and difficulties which disturb the world, if any person seeks to do the will of God, they shall know the doctrine if the doctrine is of God or is evil. We simply must not judge others by their outward appearance but by their worth and by the gifts and graces of God´s spirit in them.


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