Commentary on the Gospel of



THE disciples are clueless asking about who is the greatest in the kingdom of God. Jesus' example of the child would have shocked them: a child was in the same category of those without any power like: slaves, servants, the poor, the sick, outsiders, gentiles-the lowly of the earth, the meek and those who do no violence to others. These are children, like Jesus himself. We are not to despise any of these children: the massive numbers of the poor, the weak and those thought inconsequential by society. Jesus, the Father, even the angels are more concerned about one lost sheep, the least of our brothers and sisters than any of the ones who think they are not lost, even if they are the ninety-nine. Jesus has come for the lost, the sinners, the sick, the poor and those who have never known life. They are his beloved lost ones and with him they come first. And with us: who comes first?


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