Commentary on the Gospel of


THERE are so few references about Mary's life that we must go back again and again to the same readings-of the announcement of the incarnation and Mary's response to the Word of God made flesh in the world, in her life, in obedience. In response to Elizabeth's shared faith, Mary sings the glory of God and what he has done in the history of Israel for the poor, the meek and the lowly of the earth and what marvelous things he will do not just for Israel who has waited in hope, but for all of the earth and its peoples forever. We are called to share in the glory of God, to listen, heed and obey the Word of God in our own bodies, lives, society and history and geography. It is all one song, one universe, one glory that our God wants to draw us towards through the Word made flesh in Jesus. We can make no assumptions about life after death-we only know that we are called to live resurrection life now by our baptisms, practicing by obeying the Word and making it come alive in our own flesh. Then we can sing Magnificat unto our God with Mary who believes with us.


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