Commentary on the Gospel of



AGAIN and again we are questioned: who do we think Jesus is? Is he our personal friend, teacher, model? Is he a prophet like those gone before in the tradition calling the people back to justice, to pity for the poor and the only worship that God desires-wholehearted devotion to obedience to the Word of God? Is he the beloved Son of God-something each of us must learn from the Father, in the power of the Spirit in our baptisms? Are we truly members of the Body, the Church that stands for the truth in public no matter what is happening in history and forgives, yet holds bound those who do evil publicly too? Are we built on the rock of forgiveness and telling the truth as we work for justice and the kingdom of God's peace in the world? Our God must forever be larger than our small petitions and we must grow in our public witness, like the prophets we are made by baptism and confirmation. What Word do we speak because we belong to the Word made flesh?


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