Commentary on the Gospel of



JOHN, the one who goes before the Lord's face has been arrested for telling the truth on a personal basis to the powerful: the king in his relationship with his brother's wife (he murdered his brother among many others). And he has called all the powerful of the earth to repentance and conversion. And Herod's new wife is intent on killing John since Herod is afraid of him, but won't kill him because of the people. John loses his head at a party, as a gift in return for a young woman's dance. He is beheaded and his disciples bury him, in grief and loss. This was the arrow hidden in the quiver of God, sent to the heart of his people. This was the light in the darkness, bringing hope for salvation, freedom and life. This is the fate of those whose lives cry out justice as surely as their words. It is the end of all the prophets, martyrs, Jesus himself. We do not abide gracefully with purity of truth and being seen for what we truly are. Do we ever go before the face of the Lord preparing his ways with conversion and truth-telling?


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