Commentary on the Gospel of

Anne McCarthy rscj

Continuing the parables illustrating the demands and the proof of true discipleship we hear Jesus explaining that a sound tree will not produce rotten fruit nor a rotten tree sound fruit. This is not too difficult to understand: the disciple who has learned well from his teacher, who has been prepared to change, even to undergo a conversion of heart, possibly to have his/her ‘world’ turned upside down will bear the mark of authenticity. Such a disciple will be recognised as authentic by those to whom he or she ministers. The true disciples of Jesus will witness by their lives, their prayer and their work for the Kingdom, to the love, healing and compassion of Jesus. The insincere, the insipid, the self-centred disciple will give only a counter witness.


Jesus further illustrates the point by giving the parable of the man who builds his house on firm foundations and the one who has no foundations.   Only by digging deep foundations, by entering deeply into union with Christ can we become his authentic disciples, capable of sharing his task of spreading the news of God’s deep love for every person.


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