Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Jim Kennedy, cmf

Third Sunday of Lent.

Jesus throws the money changers out of the temple. His Father’s house is a house of prayer and covenant. He declared that the place of God’s presence was no longer a building but the temple of his body. The temple of the body would be destroyed but raise up and new life would dwell among us.

We are now the Body of Christ, the Church. Christ is our new temple and his Word is our commandment. Our priority is worshipful relationship to God and just relationship to each other. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection we have a new covenant with God.

It is not measured just with keeping the commandments but by how well we pattern our own lives after Jesus in dying to ourselves for the good of others. The new risen life is our when we conform to the new commandment of love. We can examine our own ways of relating to others and make sure our priorities are right.


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