Commentary on the Gospel of

Bible Diary - CMF


Lectio Divina for Sunday 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time


• Mark 4:26–34: Jesus preaches in parables. The explanation of the parable of the sower probably comes from the Markan church. There will be a good harvest even if some seed does not produce. Disciples must reflect in their lives what they believe. Faith grows silently and may start small but can eventually become great.


• The parable of the sower reflects human life. Everyone faces obstacles in the life of faith. Some days are fruitful (thirty, sixty, a hundredfold) and other days are not. Think about what you believe and how you live your faith.


• On a good day, thank God. On a poor day, ask for forgiveness and pray to the Holy Spirit to make the next day more faith-filled.


• Each night examine your conscience on the day that has passed.


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