Commentary on the Gospel of

Sid Ching, cmf

Father, Mother, I love you. It’s interesting to see how with the word “family,” we can form a sentence that expresses what family is about. Each of us comes from a family, 


be it complete or broken, holy or not. In spite of the many problems that our families face, they have been the source of life for us. We are alive here today because our families had decided to give us that life.


The family is at the heart of our humanness. It is where we learn to laugh and cry, to love and be loved. The family for us is a refuge we can go to when we are afraid and need to be safe and secure. It is where we learn to be human, to be ourselves and care for others. Sadly, not all families are such.


The Son of God became human in a family, the family of Joseph and Mary. From this family in Nazareth, he learned his first word and took his first step. It is from this experience of being part of a human family that he tells us that we are all one family, the one big family of God. Regardless of our color, language, or belief, the whole humanity is our family, the holy family of God the Father. 


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