Commentary on the Gospel of

Marcia Shadle Cusic

"Beloved Clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for: God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble."



These sentences are powerful in giving us guidance as to how we should live our lives.  The message, in these sentences, tell us that life is about interacting and "being" with others and in our interacting with others we must be respectful and attempt to understand "from another's point of view" while at the same time honoring and using our gifts and our insights from God to move humanity forward towards God.


Our gifts, which allow us to interact with others, are not ours to own BUT rather come from God.  And we are called upon to use our gifts, as the Jesuits would remind us, "For The Greater Glory Of God" and not for our own personal advancement, recognition or reward.  Being mindful that all of our encounters with others, in our daily life, is "For The Greater Glory Of God" we will be able to approach these encounters with humility and a recognition of our reliance not on ourselves BUT on God.


"Cast your worries upon him because he cares for you"  God does love us and does care about each one of us and has modeled that for us.  He asks all of us to "love one another” and to remember this in our daily interactions/encounters with other people.


On the other hand, there is the Devil and evilness all around.  The First reading encourages us, "Be sober and vigilant.... Resist him, steadfast in faith"  There is and will be a struggle between living our lives "loving one another" and falling prey to jealousy, resentment, disrespect and anger- all the work of the devil, especially when we begin to rely on ourselves forgetting to invite God in for strength, wisdom and guidance. 


The Responsorial Psalm today is a good reminder, "I will sing the goodness of the Lord"- as we accept, appreciate and humbly acknowledge that God works through the gifts given to us.


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