Commentary on the Gospel of

Marcia Cusic - Creighton School of Medicine

In the first reading today we are reminded of our need to be humble, as Jesus was, “though he was in the form of God” …. “ he humbled himself becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.”  It is important for us to pay attention to the scripture messages and reflect on the life that Jesus lead, and to be mindful of our invitation to follow His examples in our daily lives.


“I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people”.  The Responsorial Psalm today gives us guidance as to how to proceed, as members of Christian faith communities. We are being encouraged to be vocal and to share, with others, how our faith and how living our faith impacts our lives.


 The Gospel gives the story of our invitation to be actively present and available to God and to others. If we become all consumed with our work, families, friends, politics and so forth, it is easy to forget about the need to tend to and to nurture our faith lives and our faith communities.  The Gospel today gives example after example of people saying to God, “No, I am too busy to pay attention to my relationship with you and my relationship with other members of my faith community.  “ 


The readings today remind us of our need to actively participate in our faith and to proclaim our faith to others.  Time spent in prayer, reflection, celebration and service to others can be joyful and is essential if we are to nurture and grow in relationship with God and with others.


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