Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Maria Arul Jesu Robin, cmf

The Israelites were nomads by profession (Gn 46:32). Some of the leaders of Israel like Moses (Ex 3:17), David (1Sam 16:11), Amos (Am 1:1) were shepherds. So, the image of shepherd and flock is a very familiar image for the people of Israel. It is so natural for a shepherd to lose the sheep, search for it everywhere till he finds and carries it back home on his shoulders. It shows the tremendous selfless love that the shepherd has for his sheep. He has individual love, seeking love, patient love, rejoicing love, protective love, etc. for the sheep. Yes, our Lord is our shepherd (Ps 23:1). He has so much of love for us. He does not mind about our sinfulness, our rejection of him but goes on seeking us with his seeking love. When I am lost, it looks as if I am the only one who exists for God. Such is his individual love for me. God does not want to lose even a single soul. Yes, the season of Advent is the time where God looks after each strayed sheep. In many sense, we are all strayed sheep. Let us hear the calling of our shepherd and turn to him. He is there to rejoice at our homecoming.   


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