Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Maria Arul Jesu Robin, cmf

In our life, we are often confused. We do not know where to go or whom to approach. All of us have moments of confusions and uncertainties. Mary too experienced the same. She was greeted by the angel Gabriel but she was troubled, confused and did not know what to do. But, she sought God’s help and she wanted clarification for her life and mission. “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” was Mary’s way of asking clarification from the messenger of God. Clarification was given and Mary was convinced of her life and mission. Once convinced, Mary surrendered herself totally to the will of God: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.  May it be done to me according to your word.”  In similar situations of confusions and uncertainties, often we forget God but look for clarifications outside God. We fail to read the word of God and discern the will of God for us. Sometime, even after discerning the will of God for us, we do not surrender our self totally to God and his will as Mary did. Let Mary be our example to discern the will of God and our commitment to lead a life according to God’s will.   


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