Commentary on the Gospel of

Eileen Wirth - Creighton's Department of Journalism

“Let us be on our guard while the promise of entering into his rest remains, that none of you seem to have failed.” - Hebrews


It’s 5 a.m. and I’m headed to the gym mentally lining up my day: work out, run home to pick up the paper,  review drafts of student papers, write a final exam, prepare for two meetings,  write a grocery list and stop at the grocery story en route  home etc.


Sound a lot like your day? But what if, shockingly, it turned out to be my last? Is this how I would spend it?


Paul’s letter to the Hebrews provokes such thoughts.  We’re all terribly busy.  Am I really “on guard” preparing for the “promise of entering into his rest?”


Fortunately, St. Paul says, that promise remains and we can make the most of it.  What might such a day include?


I’d tell my children how much I love them. I do it frequently but why not every day?

I’d spend less time cramming the day full of trivial activities and more time  celebrating the good things in life and counting my blessings. How often do I take a few minutes to think about what a great life I’ve been privileged to lead? Why not now?

I’d email some people who have been kind or who have helped me just to say how much they mean to me. It only takes a couple of minutes and the meetings will go on regardless of how well prepared I am. What’s stopping me?

I’d visit St. John’s Church on campus for some quiet time turning this crazy life over to the Lord. It’s open and a five- minute walk from my office. Why do I do this only during Lent?

By 4:30 p.m. when I leave here to go grocery shopping, I’ll have completed the essential tasks that Creighton pays me for and several other things. But I’ll try to be “on guard,” as St. Paul urges, so if this were my last day, I could enter eternal rest, satisfied that I hadn’t completely wasted the precious days God has given me.  


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