Commentary on the Gospel of

Catie Bacon-Creighton University's Human Resources

It seems nearly impossible to disregard the comments, perceptions, judgments, or opinions of others. Words have meaning and as humans we feel their sting.


In today’s gospel from John, I realize just how important it is to master your thought life. The world can tell us many lies about our identity, but if we remember our identity is in Christ, then we should not let what others say affect us. We might not be (fill in the blank) enough, according to someone else’s standards. In our thought life, we have to train ourselves to spot the lie and instead redirect our minds to the truth — we are loved, valued, adored, children of God.


John 15:19 says “but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you.” These are times we have to ask ourselves ‘would we would rather be loved by the world, or loved by God?’ There is no fulfillment in being what or who someone else wants you to be; the greatest joy comes from being the person God perfectly designed you to be.


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