Commentary on the Gospel of

Joe Zaborowski-Creighton University's Purchasing Administration

God chooses to use an unlikely candidate to show His power and mercy. A possessed wild man that people undoubtedly avoided and probably feared by his community made for an odd choice. My thoughts on the Gospel reading is that Christ can choose anyone, no matter how society judges that person, for great things. Going from a maniac to a proclaimer of Jesus left people amazed. We’ve seen many unlikely people called who responded like this over the eons: Mother Theresa, Francis of Assisi, Brother Andre Bessette, Thomas Becket and many others. The commonality between them is they followed Christ’s calling. This reading is a reminder that “all is not lost” for any of us. I am capable of becoming a conduit for Christ no matter where I’ve failed in the past. It does not matter if I see myself as worthy.

All this is contingent upon remaining close to Christ and not fearing what my relationship with Him will bring. I’ve heard and read this passage many times in my life. I seemed to have missed, until recently, how the locals reacted. “They began to beg him to leave their district.” An odd request to someone who had just performed a miracle. When I examine my own life I need to question when Christ is working through me how do I respond? Do I embrace the challenge put before me or run away from His invitation. Often, as I discern, I have a lack of faith that I will be able to accomplish what is being asked. My first reaction is almost always – “go away Lord, you really don’t know what you’re asking.” The Gospel today is a good reminder for me to trust and not hide when the Lord is calling.


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