Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Manuel Ogalla, CMF

Today we are beginning a new month, a new page in our calendar, a new moon in the firmament… and, why cannot, today also be a new beginning for our life; a new chance for rediscovering the profoundness and the braveness of our faith. Today can be a very good opportunity for rekindling the flame burning in our heart, when we listen to God´s voice inviting us to live as apostles and prophets of mercy. Today is not only the onset of the time for holidays, or the travelling day for many, who leave their daily places looking for a bit of peace and relaxation in this summer season; today, for you and for me, is an important occasion to receive God´s calling and to change our lives according to his Word. 

Today’s first reading is a powerful invitation to wake up from our laziness and not to hibernate in our comfort. The proclamation of Jeremiah´s prophesy helps us to realize that our faith moves us to break too many yokes that are oppressing too many people. As Catholics, we cannot be indifferent to the injustices that burden our neighbours. As people of God we are encouraged to destroy iron fetters and release unfair attachments. If we pay attention to this reading in deep connection with the gospel, there is no doubt that God is inviting us to strengthen the prophetical dimension of our faith. Especially during this year of mercy, all of us are called to be prophets of love, signs of hope and ambassadors of mercy wherever we live, work or go. We cannot hide out of sight for the sake of fear; we cannot surrender our eagerness for the sake of tiredness. As Jesus in today Gospel, we have to be moved with pity for the needy and marginalized; we have to break the yokes of injustice, hunger and corruption. We have to be the prophets of mercy that our society is lacking. Do not wait till tomorrow, today is the best day to begin.  


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