Commentary on the Gospel of

Tomás Jesús Marín Mena, CMF

I have the sensation that the gospel of the talents has been interpreted many times as almost a justification of capitalism and individualism; that is, thinking that we can do whatever we wish in the administration of our possessions and believing that each one has to seek and find the way to sustain and nourish. All this, because the gospel would tell us that everyone has to take advantage of his own talents.

If we observe the context of today’s gospel, we see that Jesus, just after this text, explains that we will be judged according to our love and care for our sisters and brothers who are the little ones (cf. Mt 25, 37-40). Even though, it is absolutely true that God wants as to develop our capacities to the full, these capacities of ours should always take into account the others. God has granted a lot of gifts for the self-realization of each one and for the enrichment and growth of the community. The Church and the world need human beings who are able to expand their virtues and qualities, in order to attain the kingdom of God whose characteristics are fraternity, communion and harmony.

Let us give thanks to the Lord for our personal gifts, including our weaknesses. St. Paul can see in his weakness the canal to manifest God’s strength. God pours his grace upon all people, through our own visible gifts and those hidden in our weakness.


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