Commentary on the Gospel of

Martín Areta Higuera, cmf
When you know somebody and you try to remember him, surely you will not remember his word and speeches more profoundly, but his gestures, the places where you used to see him, the manner in which he walks, and looks, and cries. This is the manner in which Luke speaks about Jesus’s life, especially in the Gospel of today. Jesus pronounces only one sentence, but he leaves us a whole image of his life.

Superficially, the message it’s pretty easy to understand: it´s Jesus, the Son of God, who appears far from the official religious places, who enters into the suffering of a family and who shows his power there; the power of God that can cure the people and establish the kingdom around Judaea.

But, looking deeper, we can simply admire how Jesus’s way is signed by his choices and his renunciations. At first, he is in the synagogue, but he chooses to leave it and to go to Simon’s house. Secondly, he heals Simon’s mother-in-law and other friends, but he opts for leaving the house and stays with God in a lonely place. Thirdly, he is being applauded by the crowds, but he leaves the village and continues on his way.

From the beginning of his public life, he is already living the mission he received at the baptism. After the struggles with the devils in the desert, he is confirming that there will not be any power which will stop him. Choosing the places in which he wants to stay –or not–, he is teaching us how important it is to know where God wants us to be in our Christian life. Are we in the correct places? Is God only in the Temple? What about peripheries?


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