Commentary on the Gospel of

Iñaki San Nikolas Guimón, CMF
A couple of days ago, we were reminded of what was, more or less today’s world situation (economy, politics, society, oppression, injustice…). If look around, we can see how this is transmitted into personal, common attitudes, even in us. 

At that time Jesus made his mind up: he decided to go to Jerusalem and become really God’s Utopia for humanity in such a corrupted world, by giving himself as He does. We have to make a choice: to do nothing, or to take every suffering or injustice situation, as a call of God to give our best for a love-and-mercy-based-change. Remember Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s words in the 3rd Reich: ‘Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act’.

Are you going to direct your steps to Jerusalem, behind the master of Love, to the Heart of the problems? Are you, today, prepared to respond with a hug to suffering and injustice? 


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