Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr Andrzej Kobylski cmf

The question asked by the Pharisees “When is the kingdom of God to come?” used to attract minds of people contemporary to Jesus. It was believed, that the kingdom of God would be a reflection of earthly kingdoms with their human-like structures and principles. Even the disciples asked Jesus to set them on the special chairs in his kingdom – one on the left and another on the right side of Jesus.

But of course, the kingdom of God came to the Earth with Jesus, and the visible sign of its existence is his teaching. Words and signs as healings or exorcisms, etc. were to affect the disciples and other people that were listening to Jesus. People that became his disciples – not only the Twelve – changed their minds and behaviours, so when Jesus says “the kingdom of God is among you” it does mean it is in the hearts of people that follow Jesus.

The thought of kingdom of God existing in people’s hearts is very important in the face of the days of the persecution that are to come. Political repressions, exclusions, pogroms and false messiahs have occurred in the history since the beginning of Christianity, so disciples have to be aware of it and do not follow any leader who claims that he knows the truth that “there is”. Anyone who lives with Jesus in the true communion in his holy Church, and feed his faith with God’s Word and Eucharist will not be afraid of any suffering and will not have any doubts when Jesus come.


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