Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr Jaime Bosch cmf

Fri Nov 25th - Lk 21:29-33

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away". Some of the calamities which, according to the Gospel, were to upset the world, came to pass in a short time, others came later. Every age knows its commotions and transformations. It is the rule of time. And we, who look at the world as the place where our destiny and the destinies of mankind are played, could consider ourselves as simple observers.

We are not condemned to pass away like all temporal things. We are able to recognize the "signs of the times", same as we can look at the nature and foresee its evolution. We know exactly when the summer comes as we see the flourishing of the fig tree. The signs of the times that mean we can discover in every moment a particular design of God, a task he entrusts to us, a chance for growing up, a new fruit we can bring.

And we have the word of Jesus, which will never pass away. At any time, we can hear this word that questions and invites, and, at any time too, we can speak the word that responds, and maintains our dialogue with God and our living brothers and sisters. 


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