Commentary on the Gospel of

Thomas Quinn-Creighton University's School of Medicine

After the anticipation that filled the weeks of Advent, and the glorious birth of Our Lord, Jesus, we have entered once again into what the Church refers to as Ordinary Time.  This part of the Church calendar is a wonderful time to really take into our hearts what has transpired in the joyous weeks that preceded it.  “The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us.”  This sentence from the Allelulia summarizes our reason for joy and hope.  


Isaiah reminds us in the first reading that God has said that we are his servants, through whom he shows his glory. But, “it is too little,” God tells us, “for you to be my servant...I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” This is a wonderful thing, but one that we should accept knowing that it is also a great responsibility.  God shows his glory through us.  Our lives should always reflect that.  We are made in his image, and asked by him to reflect his light onto all nations.  


The responsorial Psalm further shows that God is a loving Father.  He does not ask us for offerings, but rather, he gives us a gift of “ears open to obedience.”  We are asked to do God’s will because it will be our delight. It will be from our heart where God has written his intentions for us.  When we truly feel that God is speaking directly to us, all we can answer is, “Here I am Lord; I come to do your will.”   This is the new song that God has given us.


The gospel reading for this Sunday recounts Jesus’ meeting with John the Baptist. It provides us with a lesson in heeding, and acting on, what God has said to us.  John the Baptist was told to look for a sign that the Son of God had come; “on whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain, he is the one who will Baptize with the Holy Spirit.”  Jesus is that person. John the Baptist tells us, “I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God.”  God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit has come to us and will remain forever.  Let us go into the new year singing the new song that God has given us, “Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.”   


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