Commentary on the Gospel of

Mary Lee Brock-Creighton University's Werner Institute
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Growing up as a tall, bespectacled youth I was happy with my library books, my bike and my craft projects.  My mother, as a school principal, was tuned into the importance of a healthy peer group who had shared interests so each week she would quiz me about the top music hits listed in the newspaper.  I learned that dialing in the pop stations on my clock radio was quite enjoyable.  And I still to this day appreciate a greatest hits countdown on the radio.


Today as I pray on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity the image of greatest hits comes to my mind.  The foundation of our faith that God as three persons in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, is a great comfort while being simultaneously accessible and hard to truly understand.  The readings today are scriptural greatest hits and give us insight.


In Exodus, God stands with Moses and proclaims: The Lord, the Lord, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity.  The Lord’s proclamation informs my image of a loving God.  The dialogue between Moses and the Lord is quite powerful.  I admire the courage of Moses and his leadership.   I look for opportunities in my life to trust in my faith so I can embody courage and leadership in service to others.


We are reminded in the second reading from 2 Corinthians that we can bring out the best in one another by living peacefully in community.  While these instructions sound easy, we know how very complex living these words can be:  Mend your ways, encourage one another, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.  Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the holy ones greet you. When I am spending time with people who I can easily love and with whom I agree I can easily embrace this guidance.  It is much more difficult when I am not my best self and fail to ask God for the grace to have a happy, peaceful heart.


How can I do what God is simply asking me to do to mend my ways and encourage others when I disagree with them?  God is not asking me to abandon my values and my beliefs but to show every person the compassion and love I experience.


Today’s Gospel from John brings us the number one scriptural greatest hit:  God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. This is the foundation of our faith and the touchstone we need especially when times are challenging.  Our Baptism is a gift to allow us to be born again for eternal life.


The love that God shows us in the amazing gift of Jesus is overwhelming.  Love is what the Most Holy Trinity is all about for me.  Out of love God sends his son.  Jesus shows his love through his ministry on earth and by his death and resurrection.  And the death and resurrection brings us the love of the Holy Spirit.  How could I ever feel condemned when I know I am embraced with this love?  What do I do in my daily life to appreciate this gift of love?  This is a greatest hit indeed!


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