Commentary on the Gospel of

Angela Maynard-Creighton University's Student Health

Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne,

Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Jesuit educated American actor, director, screenwriter, author Alan Alda once said "Listening is being able to be changed by the other person."

In today's gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the sower.  The cryptic “Whoever has ears ought to hear” serves as a reminder that we need to listen.  The seeds that did not grow and produce fruit represent those who are not listening.  The seeds that flourished and produced fruit represent the treasures that can be reaped when one listens and follows the words of God.  In our busy world that seems to be full of constant distractions we are losing our ability to LISTEN and more importantly to HEAR each other, and the words of our God.  How often do we find ourselves not listening, because we are waiting to respond to something that we haven’t really heard?  While at Mass, how many times does one tend to tune out and think about what needs to be done the rest of the day? 

Today is the memorial of Sts. Joachim and Anne, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  We can spend some time reflecting on how St. Joachim, St. Anne, and Our Mother, Mary listened to the words of God.  Was this easy?  What kind of challenges might have they encountered?  What are some barriers preventing me from listening to the words God has for me? 

Intentionally spend time listening carefully—it may change us! 


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