Commentary on the Gospel of

Bible Diary - Claretian Publications Philippines

Lectio Divina

Read: On this first Sunday of Lent, the Church reminds us of God’s post-flood Covenant to Noah that God would preserve life on earth. Peter reminds us of the great spiritual redemption Christ has brought into our lives. With a forty-day desert experience, Jesus begins his ministry of announcing the Good News of God’s love and life.

Reflect: Jesus’ message included the declaration that the Time of redemption – God’s Kingdom - has come and an invitation to mend one’s ways and believe in the Good News of the possibility of one’s redemption. Sometimes we are so steeped in the ways of the “world” and have walked so far away from the ways of the Kingdom that it is hard to believe in even the possibility of a return and new beginnings. Thus the first step required is simply to believe in the Good News of this possibility. We shall begin the Lent by simply trusting this Good News.

Pray: Lord, help me believe in the possibility of change within me and my people.

Act: Make a list of 2-3 things in your life that you would like to change around in this Lent.


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