Commentary on the Gospel of

Bible Diary - Claretian Publications Philippines


When we have time to reflect, we could ask ourselves, what guides me in my decisions and in my actions? And if we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that most of the time it is our EGO that dictates our decisions — what can flatter the ego, what can inflate the ego, what can make the ego be noticed, etc.. In contrast Jesus can truthfully say that all his decisions and actions are dictated consistently by just one thing: THE WILL OF HIS FATHER. And the will of the Father is always for the good of all humankind. This is not always easy to do because it may mean undergoing pain and suffering or humiliation. This single-mindedness characterizes Jesus. We, on the other hand, are distracted by so many things — by fear, by the desire to please, to be approved of, or simply by our love of comfort and convenience. Or we can even deceive ourselves that the action that pleases us is what pleases the Father. Loving God, give me the grace to do everything because it pleases you. Amen.


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