Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr Joseba Kamiruaga Mieza cmf

Gospel John 6: 22-29

 - It is true: you can look for Jesus with poor motivations, superficially. The Gospel passage unmasks this situation: it is Jesus himself who denounces those people who want from him something magical, a "quick solution" (eternal temptation of the human heart). And yet, the pedagogy and patience of Jesus on this path of search towards the true faith is also highlighted, until they reach the encounter with him, with his person and his mission.

- And it is that what gives Jesus identity - his life and his mission - is to realize the Father's project (which will call him in different ways). That is the core and what gives meaning to all his actions. Therefore, "to believe in the one he has sent" (it is understood, God, the Father) is the task of his followers, because that is how they will also identify with God's plan. That search is what "satisfies" the hunger of the human heart. Hence, Jesus' proposal goes far beyond the purely external; it affects the interior, the intimate. And for Him the vital and the fundamental thing is to know and live God's plan of life; That's the key of everything.

- And that invites us, also today: to move from the superficial to the nuclear, to what is really worthwhile. This Easter season is a good time to decide, to decide. It is the opportunity that is offered again, so that the PERSONAL ENCOUNTER is a fact in me, for each one of us. We also need to carry out that PROCESS of faith that leads to MEETING WITH JESUS, unique and singular.

"Lord Jesus, we want to accept your proposal to feed on the food that lasts, the one that you offer. Make us always want it and look for it from the heart".


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