Commentary on the Gospel of

Tomás Jesús Marín Mena

God and his Kingdom are hidden, buried, like the treasure in Jesus’ parable. God is so hidden that is impossible to see Him substantially. God is, St. Augustine teaches us, in our interiority. We know that most intensive, lofty and sublime things in life, such as love, are invisible although we can see a reflection of them. Something similar happens with God.

God and his Kingdom are delicate. The Kingdom of God is frail, dainty and subtle, like the great pearl in the parable. Let us think of the fragility of a new born baby. All our movements around the baby should be careful. The relationship with God is in this way. We need that care which arises from us when we are in front of something very intimate. And God is more intimate than the most intimate part of ourselves.

God and his Kingdom provoke joy in us. As prophet Jeremiah says, God’s words “became my joy and the happiness of my heart”. But Jeremiah knows that this happiness entails risk. He is persecuted for his preaching. Jesus also promises happiness different from mundane happiness. The promised joy is associated with the sale of everything that the merchant possesses. Happiness in Jesus links his own person, simplicity and risk.


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