Commentary on the Gospel of

Stan Ekwujuru, cmf

Jesus dishes out the guidelines for entering the Kingdom of heaven; “I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” We are not righteous because we have kept all the ritual laws and commandments. God is the giver of righteousness.

Through Christ the Father invites to the way of righteousness. This way involves seeing beyond the letters to the spirit of the law. It bothers on an established relationship with God which helps us to love and to respect our brothers and sisters; children of the same father and coheirs of the Kingdom.

It serves us no good to literally (pharisaically) observe every details of the law on paper when we cannot see the practical application of these laws in our daily dealings with one another.  It can only make us renowned servants of the law and nothing more than that. May the Lord enlighten our minds to see what matters as we journey to our eternal homeland. 


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