Commentary on the Gospel of

Stan Ekwujuru, cmf

Today, as the church celebrate the feast of Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary, we are presented with a gospel reading on how the birth of Christ the Messiah took place. The personality of Joseph is also brought to lime light. He found himself in the midst of a situation that could have been described as embarrassing. We may want to observe his decision process. As he thought of his own good, he also thought of the good of the other not minding the situation. He was first of all human in his approach to the challenge. Then he does not conclude, but listens to God’s voice, wisdom from above – what God has to say on the matter. It is at this point that he takes a decision to take Mary as his wife. When beset by life’s challenges, what is our first step?

At times we give in to anxiety that we lose control of the matter. The desire to preserve my integrity, “my name” can make us treat the other(s) as though s/he were not a human person made in God’s image. At other times, we don’t think the matter through and we rush into rash judgment. We often skip the phase of seeking God’s take on the issue by reading His word, considering our moral/ religious values, listening to God’s voice in us and asking for help from the right persons. We pray through the intercession of Saint Joseph for the grace to always listen to God’s voice before taking decisions.


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