Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF
The power of life that is poured out in love is unstoppable. It cannot be shackled or hidden by rolling a stone over. It rises to new and unconquerable life, empowering the whole world toward the fulness of love. St. Bonaventure speaks of life in God as a “mystical death,” a dying into love. Jesus’ dying into love unlocked powerhouse of God’s life and made it accessible to humanity.

‘Rejoice!’ is, therefore, the invitation the Easter extends to everyone. The fear of abandonment and failure, meaninglessness and insecurity now give way to joyful hope of victory. There is an unending effort to quell this joy and hope by supressing the good news of the resurrection. The authorities tried to suppress it, even today it continues; the women who were the first witnesses of the resurrection were afraid and they said nothing to any one (Mk 6:8). Yet, the message of resurrection reverberated in the heart of the humanity and enliven countless lives till today. It is a power that cannot be bridled. It is a grace that cannot be resisted. Psalmist rightly understood this mysterious power as he puts it down: “There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard, yet their voice goes through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world” (Ps 19:3-4).


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