Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF
The wonder of Nicodemus at the invitation to Jesus to be born again from above arises from the ambiguity of the statement. Nicodemus is not alone in his reaction. Turning back a few pages of the Gospel, we find the words of John Baptist that shed light to this context. “I baptize you with water, the one comes after me will baptise you with fire and the spirit.” John’s baptism served as an external cleansing, but Jesus’ baptism is meant for an inner renewal and purification. The invitation to Nicodemus for an inward change took him by surprise. But that is the only way to pursue the way of the spirit and be spiritual person.

The reborn experience is key to a new relationship with God where we let go and let God to save us. It is not our credentials and actions that matter eventually but the grace of God. To be born of the spirit means not to let our strengths and resources to come in the way of God working in us.  Any one born anew in this way is a wonder and a witness of God’s love in action. “The more we live this wonder and welcome our placement in this very heart of Love, the easier it is to trust . . . to “release our fears” . . . to live without proclaiming certainties . . . to settle into this very core we can only call Love” - Shelley C. Drake.


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