Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Roland Onuekwusi Chidiebere, CMF

May 14 – John 15:9 – 17 Friend of Jesus

Today we celebrate the memorial of one of the faithful friends of Jesus, St. Matthias. He remained following the Lord from ‘his baptism by John the Baptist at river Jordan till his ascension’ and for that he was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot. Those to whom the Lord Jesus reveals what he learns from the Father, he calls his friends, St. Matthias was one of them. The reality is that he reveals things to the disciple who remains with him as Mathias remained with him and that of course, is our invitation: stay with Jesus, learning from the Lord who teaches us as a friend.

He is a friend who loves us just as his Father loves him! How does he love? As none else is able to! He lays down his life for us. In expressing his love for us, he goes to any length: compassionate when we are in need, sick and hungry – he would not let the five thousand go from the deserted place, lest some may collapse on the way! Merciful and forgiving when we falter – he would not condemn the woman caught in adultery, instead encourages her to “sin no more.” He accompanies us when we are disappointed and depressed, down cast – walks beside us as on the way to Emmaus! Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus!  

And he asks us to be compassionate, forgiving, merciful and true companions of one another, just as he is to us. Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Matthias who followed you till the end, give us the grace to always be true friends to each other in your footsteps and to the end unto eternity, amen.


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