Commentary on the Gospel of

Edgar L. Zamudio, cmf

Monday Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

            “The essence of a woman is being a mother,” was the winning answer of 1994 Miss Universe Sushmita Sen. Mary, our Mother must truly be full of essence for being a great mother for us her children.

            Today’s Gospel reading focuses on the gift that Jesus gives from the Cross – giving His mother to John, and John to His mother. This has been interpreted down through the years, as John representing us, the Church, as the Body of Christ. This means that Mary is following the same role of looking after us, as she had when she looked after Jesus. It means that Jesus is seeing us as the other Christs under the care of His mother, Mary.

            We find our spiritual family at foot of the Cross, Jesus’ death brings us all together, destroying any and every barrier that would keep us from coming home and being a family with each other. John took the responsibility for Mary seriously, taking her into his own home. Home for John was nothing less than the Church, which Jesus founded.  Mary was to have the pride of place, as Jesus mother, and as she knew, loved and served Him best. Mary on the other hand, also took her role seriously, taking us all as her sons and daughters. It is therefore a challenge for each and every one, who received the care and love such a wonderful mother, to grow in love and wisdom, as her Son Jesus did. Because, no matter how different we may be from each other, we received love and care from our mother equally. We all are living in one house, the Church, and in this house, Mary is the sweetness of the famous saying: ”Home Sweet Home”.


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