Commentary on the Gospel of

Edgar L. Zamudio, cmf

We could say that in this passage regarding “not to commit adultery and everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart”, Jesus seeks to move us from simple, fear – based obedience to the law upward to a higher dimension of spiritual awareness. Such higher dimension does not abolish the law, but rather to fulfill it, allowing us to understand the spiritual Truth of which the law is a temporal expression.

At this higher level of spiritual awareness, the power lies not only in what we do, but in what we think and believe. Our thoughts have creative power; and if we linger lustfully on adulterous thoughts, we are creating a negative, adulterous energy in our lives just as if we had acted on those thoughts. The act of adultery is an expression of thoughts of lack and limitation. We want, and try to claim, something that is not ours in consciousness because we have allowed another person to represent the love we lack and are seeking. Even if we don't sexually commit adultery, those fear-based, separation-based negative thoughts are taking root in our consciousness and impacting our lives. At earlier levels of spiritual awareness, we might not grasp the power of our thoughts, so the law was lovingly designed to at least prevent us from acting on negative thoughts. Now, however, Jesus is calling us to recognize where the real power lies, and to realize that it is only by changing our thoughts that we can release fear, embrace the true Source of love, and allow that loving energy to create a new and loving life experience.

The inviolable dignity of each person should truly be respected and a reciprocal fidelity is of utmost importance for couples who would assume life together.


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