Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

“The will of God for you is to become holy”, Paul reminds and this is the alert. ‘Watch and pray’ that you don’t lower the guard. The wisdom of the wise virgins consisted in maintaining a constant alert to be holy. The only preparation needed to encounter the groom is holiness. The foolish virgins took of the guard and immersed into a world of carelessness and disquiet.

Are you watchful enough to detect if the lamps are going out? It is not easy set our eyes things really matter because of the distractions created all around. We need to time sit back and reflect on the fragility of life and what truly counts at the end.

We need to refill the oil lamp of our life on a daily basis. No matter what is method, prayer energizes and strengthens faith and communion with God like a flame kept live by oil.  A life that is empty, like a lamp without oil, devoid of good works and holiness cannot be lit and keep burning at the moment of reckoning.


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