Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr Ekina Raymond Marie Parfait cmf

Meditation of 2nd September 2019 " year C"

The first reading(1Th4:13-18) of today invites us to have hope in the face of death. As Christians we shouldn’t be afraid about the mystery of death; because by the death and resurrection of Christ, we have salvation. So, the Christian’s life without hope is as the house without a foundation. The gospel (Luke4:16-30) develops in three points, the plan for the missionaries of Jesus. The following Saturday as was the custom, Jesus went to the synagogue to participate in the celebration, and he stands up to read. He chooses the text of Isaiah which speaks about the proclamation of the good news to the poor, the liberation of captives and the proclamation of the year of the Lord. The proclamation of the good news to the poor and the liberation of the captives was the preoccupation of Jesus.

The holy scripture describes how Jesus visited the villages and cities of Israel. But it was not easy for him; because at Nazareth his own country, the people rejected him "no prophet is acceptable in his home town". As Jesus, many missionaries know the same situation. Because on their own ground they are rejected. In the bible, at the beginning of every seventh year (Dt15:1; Lv25:3) it was necessary to restore the land to the tribe of origin. For Jesus, a year of Lord is a year of grace from the Lord. Let us pray for the missionaries so that they always have the courage to continue the work of Christ.


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