Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr Ezequiel Fernández cmf

1sts Reading: Colossians 1:9-14 / Ps. 97 / Gospel Luke 5:1-11.

Maybe for a long time in history the question “Who is God?” accompanies humanity, and perhaps this question in any moment of our life helps us see the way of our own faith.  Today this question returns, and starts with the wish of Paul: “grown in the knowledge of God”; this is not only an invitation for an intellectual exercise, it’s an especial possibility to find in the self-history. the sense and the different images that we build on the way of our faith. Peter had this experience, because in the Gospel he thinks, after the miracle of Jesus, that he has not the dignity to be in His presence; Peter says: “Leave me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!”. Maybe the image of God to Peter is that of a little god, intolerant with sinners, with mistakes. But Jesus taught to Peter through his nearness, because the God of Jesus is not a little intolerant god, but is the great Father of Mercy, the Father of the second opportunity. Jesus accept the confession of Peter, but it seems that does not give it any importance, because the dream and the mission of God for our life is not the slavery of the sin.


For our meditation we can see our life, our way of faith, and put a question: How is the image of God in my mind, in my heart, in my ordinary life? According to the answer, our faith will have a style of  prayer and a mode of living in community, accepting differences and believing in the second chances.


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