Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF

Lorna Byrne of England published an autobiographical work, Angels in My Hair. In it she narrates how angels became her mentors since her childhood. She claims that she sees and interacts with angels regularly and that they have taught her much. One of the reasons why she chose to write the book (she claims that she was asked to write by the angels) is because people have forgotten the reality of angels and the help they are willing to offer them. Angels stand by us, ever willing to help us if we call upon them.

Even if someone is inclined to dismiss Lorna’s claims as make-believe, what she says about angels waiting on us, ever ready to help us, is an article of faith that seems to have been forgotten by many people. Today we celebrate the feast of our guardian angels. How wonderful it would be to redeem our childlike trust in the presence of a guardian angel next to us, whom we can call upon for help anytime of the day or the night! It would not be a bad idea to name your guardian angel and discuss your plans, hopes, fears, and joys with him or her on a daily basis. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to invite our guardian angel to go with us wherever we go and be our companion? And her presence can discourage us from frequenting places and moments where sin lurks. Our angels can help us immensely in our following of Christ.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF -


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