Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF

Read:   Habakkuk complains about the delay in God’s intervention to set things right in the world. God assures him that He will act at the appointed time and demands faithfulness from the upright…. In response to the apostles’ request to increase their faith, Jesus comments that even a little faith will work wonders, and hence, a faithful servant of the Lord must keep working…. Paul instructs Timothy to continue laboring for the gospel, making use of the gifts of God: Stir into flame the spark you have received!

Reflect: Do I lose hope and compromise my faith in God when confronted with human evil and natural disasters? Do I have enough faith to keep working for the Kingdom even when I do not see the fruits of my labor? Am I not called to be faithful and not necessarily focus on being successful, as Mother Teresa once said? Do I trust God to intervene at the appointed time of His choice and Will?  How can I fan into flame the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit?

Pray:   Like the disciples, let us pray: “Lord, increase our faith!”

Listen: What does Jesus have to say about the quality of my faith? 

Act:     As an act of faith, make a prayer of surrender to God’s Will.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF -


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